How I Became a Mom

I have always wanted to be a Mom. I have spent most of my life mothering others. It came naturally. Not only did I mother others, I was even sought out as a mother figure. I affectionately called many other peoples kids my babies. I was 44 years old and had exhausted all avenues of becoming a mom. Well all avenues short of a sperm bank. I had no love interest, so no way of conceiving. I had been having female issues which were common for the ladies in my family but they had already had children. I now wonder how because my paternal grandmother had 18 children and my maternal grandmother had 12. How did my poor uterus give out before having even one. My uterus was prolapsed and while my Doctor said I could become pregnant and carry without issue I was having my own issues with it. Again, I was 44 and my current condition was pretty uncomfortable. Tick, tock, tick, tock was that darn clock in my head and a final visit to my Doctor was a firm “No, Ms. Jones.” I went all holy roller on him and declared that God said I was going to be a mother. He didn’t dispute me. He just said “Well, it won’t happen this way.” Looking back I have to say he handled himself pretty well because I was shamefully hysterical in his office. He probably needed a drink after my visit. He had just given me the worst news you could give a woman. But then again he chose Gynecology. I couldn’t have been the first he had to give this heartbreaking news. I cried the whole way home. I remember calling my mom and giving her the 411 of the visit. She asked me where I was. In between hysterical sobs I replied that I was driving home. I was so emotionally distraught that she made me pull the car over until I could collect myself. “Oh, Boo I’m so sorry.” I knew she was. Of her four children, I was the only one to not give her a grandchild and I wasn’t even the baby. She knew how bad I wanted to be a mother and I know how badly she wanted to be able to fix it for me. I didn’t care though. I was not letting Dr. Barack Obama look-alike have my uterus because I needed it. I was holding on the promise.

Fast forward two years and my situation was pretty much the same. I happened to be shopping for baby shower gift for a young couple in our church and while walking down the isle in Babies R’ Us I was overcome with emotion. Right there in the diaper isle I had my come to Jesus moment. With tears were flowing and I told God that if I wasn’t going to have a baby and it was going to be just me and Him then I was okay with it. If I had missed my moment then, ok. I cried my few tears and made peace with the whole thing. Me, Jesus and the Huggies. I wiped my face and dried my tears, purchased my shower gift and set off to the baby shower. When I got there I really celebrated them. It was such a happy occasion. I had made my peace and God had been good to me so I had no reason to believe the rest of my days would not be happy and blessed.

Two weeks and two days later I received a message via Facebook Messenger that would change my life.

Yup, a baby. Do you want the baby? There is a long story that goes in here but I’ll write about that another time. Suffice it to say they thought of me. I know it was God who had me in mind the whole time. It would be another six weeks before I brought him home but since that day July 17, 2015 I became a mom. My adoption would take two more years to finalize due to the legal business associated with adoptions but I was a Mommy since that first day. God said so and so it was. He kept His promise.

5 thoughts on “How I Became a Mom”

  1. OMG… I love it. God is truly amazing. When we least expected it He shows up!
    I have been a foster mom for a little over 2 years. It has truly been an adventurous experience, and I love it.

    When you understand the challenges of a child/children it put you in a better position to help pull out the greatness within them.

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