I’m Unique.. Don’t Pick On Me

I am unique! God created me for a reason. I do not deserve abuse or teasing. I am not just another handicapped person or a burden for you. I have a heart of gold. I have a soul. An innocent human being. I may be labeled special needs but when I am mistreated my heart bleeds. Some people act as if they are ashamed of me. They think that I don’t know but they are wrong. I am not a freak. I am exactly who God wanted me to be.

I am not stupid. No! I am just unique. So, think about all the harsh words you speak. Don’t try to bully me just because you think I am weak. I deserved to be loved Just like any other child. I deserve to be happy. I deserve to to smile. My life should not be a test or trial. My challenges in life are not easy to face. I should not be treated like I am a disgrace. God loves me, and in Heaven I will have a special place. So, please do not disrespect me because of the way I am. Do not disregard me because of the way I act. One thing I know for sure. If you pick on me just know that God will always have my back.

Submitted by Pamela Lowery

1 thought on “I’m Unique.. Don’t Pick On Me”

  1. Vanessa Rodriguez

    My eyes watered reading this. I thought the same thing for my girl. I know how cruel kids can be but it just as much the parents falt. People need to teach about kids differences. French not to stare or point finger and say mean things. Don’t just tell them don’t point teach then every one is special and every one is different. Teach them befor they are out in the world seeing things. Its ok to ask questions its not ok to ridicule and talk about people. KARMA be good to each other

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